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The Best of Buzzfeed Quizzes
Citrus Heights, CA

by Riley Sue
Posted on 9/9/2021 by Weideman Pediatric & Orthodontics
Orange buzzfeed logo used by Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7790We’ve all done it, there’s no need to be ashamed. We’ve all gotten sucked into a virtual blackhole of completing BuzzFeed quiz after BuzzFeed quiz after yet another BuzzFeed quiz. Even though I’m pretty sure picking my favorite color and tv show doesn’t accurately tell me what kind of pasta dish I am, I somehow continue to go back to more BuzzFeed quizzes. Here are a few of my current favorites if you find some extra time on your hands.

Build The Apartment of Your Dreams And We’ll Reveal What City You Belong In.

I love this quiz because not only does this quiz let me design a beautiful apartment, but it also gives me my next travel destination. Who’s coming to Paris with me?

Who’s Your Hogwarts Parent Figure Based On This Quiz?

This one is perfect to take with friends and family in the middle of your Harry Potter holiday movie marathon. It’s almost as exciting as finding out which house you were sorted into!

Which Coffee Are You?

Does your go-to coffee drink match your personality? Or are you the opposite of what you thought you’d be? Find out with just a couple of clicks.

Can You Spell These Commonly Misspelled Words?

Test your spelling! But be warned, without autocorrect, these might be more challenging than you think

That’s enough quizzes for now, unless you want to continue down the endless path of finding out more random information about yourself. Happy quizzing!


7916 Pebble Beach Dr. Suite #101
Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7790


(916) 962-0577


Mon - Thur: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 7am - 3:30pm

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About | Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
Dr. Cindy Weideman, Jeff Sue, and Christopher Lee are caring Board Certified Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry with years of experience and knowledge.
Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics - Dr. , 7916 Pebble Beach Dr., #101, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 • (916) 962-0577 • • 2/12/2025 • Key Phrases: pediatric dentist Citrus Heights CA •