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Join us in donating to Wind Youth Services
Citrus Heights, CA

Posted on 10/8/2021 by Weideman Pediatric & Orthodontics
Gemma a graduate from Wind Youth Services provided by Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics in Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7790This holiday season our Weideman Family and friends will come together and support those in need. We have partnered with Wind Youth Services, providing homeless teens and young adults a stable and safe foundation for continued education, growth, and development. Sacramento County has reported there are an estimated 256 homeless teens, of which 22% are former foster youth and 49% are suffering from PTSD. Research has shown that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds often have few or no social or economic support during this crucial and turbulent phase of life. If a transitional youth becomes homeless they are less likely to pursue their education and maintain gainful employment.

Wind Youth Services will have an increased number of youth seeking emergency shelter and permanent housing placement. We will be specifically giving essential daily clothing and hygiene products, basic housing essentials, and a little something extra from Santa.

We will be happy to take any of your donations between now and December 14th. If you are interested in joining our #TeamWeidman family making a teen's holiday a little brighter, contact us today or come by the office to make your donation.

Meet Gemma, Wind Client and Vista Del Lago Class of 2017 Graduate

"If you told me at the beginning of 9th grade - heck, even at the start of 12th, that I'd make it this far, I'd have laughed at the absurdity of your faith in me. There was always this timer in my head. "You won't live to be 18," it ticked. When that milestone passed, "you won't live to graduate" was the next whisper. But here I am, diploma in hand and college classes upcoming. I don't think I would have made it without the support of Wind Youth. Throughout most of high school, I had nowhere to call home. You probably couldn't tell, as I was always that one kid who cheered and smiled and had a seemingly endless reserve of positive energy. But after the last bell rung, that changed; I went back to people who abused me or neglected me, try hard as I might to prove I was worth being in their family. Midway through 12th grade, I found myself not only homeless, but houseless-and it was here I was informed Wind Youth had a bed open. And for the last four months, I've had a home, with people who care about me and want me to succeed, who support me through my struggles and love me for who I am. As I look to the future, college and jobs and an apartment, I find myself not scoffing at such impossible dreams, but planning and looking forward to them. My name is Gemma Gabbett, and Wind Youth both saved my life and helped make it worth living."

Below is a list of basic housing placement and move-out essentials:
•  Sheet Sets - Various Sizes
•  Kitchen & Bathroom Rug Sets
•  Toothbrush Holder
•  Shower Curtain
•  Mop
•  Broom
•  Dust Pan
•  Pot Set
•  Colander
•  Glassware
•  Plates
•  Bowls
•  Flatware
•  Serving Spoons
•  Vegetable Peeler
•  Knife Set (Cutlery Set)
•  Blender
•  Microwave
•  Toaster
•  Toaster Oven
•  Sponges
•  Tea Kettle
•  Pitcher
•  Ice Trays
•  Mixer
•  Dish Detergent
•  Laundry Detergent
•  Body Wash
•  Deodorant
•  Toilet Paper
•  Paper Towels
•  Kitchen Towels
•  Bath Towels
•  Washcloths
•  Hand Towel
•  Cleaning Supplies (Bleach, Pinesol, Windex, Comet, etc)
•  Gently Used and New Adult Size Clothing and Shoes

Visit Wind Youth Services or email Email us

Drop off your donations:
Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
7916 Pebble Beach Dr. Suite #101
Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7790

Open M-Th 8:30am - 6pm, Fridays 7:30am - 4pm


7916 Pebble Beach Dr. Suite #101
Citrus Heights, CA 95610-7790


(916) 962-0577


Mon - Thur: 8am - 5pm
Fri: 7am - 3:30pm

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About | Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics
Dr. Cindy Weideman, Jeff Sue, and Christopher Lee are caring Board Certified Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry with years of experience and knowledge.
Weideman Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics - Dr. , 7916 Pebble Beach Dr., #101, Citrus Heights, CA 95610, (916) 962-0577,, 2/13/2025, Key Phrases: pediatric dentist Citrus Heights CA,